Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Names and Music

My name here is Li'l Liza Jane. I picked this because two of the nicknames I have for myself are"Liza" and "Jane" I started this when in highschool I heard the song below and I just liked it. There was also a band around that time that labelled "Songs about Jane" (Don't remember the band, never owned it, simply liked the title). I started making music playlists with the stolen album title for songs about me and my personality.

This is the song, however, imagine it more the way I heard it. Piano instead of banjo, and a host of about 15-20 handsome (and sadly, mostly gay) men. They were very animated, unlike this version, but this is the closest version to the song I ever heard.

It's funny that I liked that song so much. I generally like most types of music, at least one or two out of a category. But folk music to me is just UGH! I just can't stand it. Perhaps it's the superficial, simple cords. Perhaps it's the cheesy expressions on people's faces. Perhaps it's the fact that the only thing my ex would listen to is Weird Al and folk music from this one movie that I just didn't like (and he'd play nothing but through 6 hour car rides that we would consistently make together to visit my and his family...). No that couldn't be it.

I often wonder if I scandalize my landlord/lady upstairs due to my variety of music. I have blasted everything from classical (it IS fun to blast...) to dance-pop, mild rock, and even the occasional R&B song (*gasp* a trad Catholic listens to R&B?) I judge music by the individual song, in most cases. An example of a case I don't is Lady Gaga. There is nothing good in any of her music so I just let her do her thing without influencing me. I heard a few weeks ago this commercial for an interview with her and she said something like "I believe music is a lie... and we just need to try and reach for the truth." What. The. Crap. So many idiots in the world today would think that to be profound. It's saying exactly nothing. It doesn't even make sense. She tries to say and do things that are so blatantly outside of the norm (oh, I don't know, like dressing as an EGG?) just to be "different." Look, lady, if that's what it takes to be different, then I'll gladly accept my place as just like everyone else... which ironically sets me apart from most.

Earlier I mentioned that Liza and Jane are two of my nicknames for myself. Yes, I also have Lily and Lilian, Emily (though, I don't really use that one anymore), and Melissa (which I still respond to after my best friend Melissa and I spent so much time together that people would always mix us up). Jane is my favorite nickname, but I'll probably bounce around a lot.

James'll be coming over in a few hours to help out with the apartment. I got most of the pantry items actually in the pantry (gasp!) last night. As soon as I unpack my camera, I will put pictures up of the organized wreck that it is. At least it's huge so it can be used as *I hope* temporary storage.

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