Not gonna lie. I'm starting this mainly because I saw a bunch of my friends are doing it. There's also a bunch of stuff I'd like to post going on in my life right now. I just recently moved into a beautiful new apartment and I'm looking for a job. My boyfriend and I are waiting until I get a job to be able to plan our wedding, but it's basically taken for granted that we're basically engaged. I'm dealing with a whole new world over here after college and it's going to be interesting.
Lilies are my favorite flower, hence the blog name.
A few things about me:
I am Catholic, tried and true.
I don't mind saying it like it is, though I do try to practice diplomacy and not *needlessly* offend people.
I am really bad at keeping up with blogs.
I generally prefer the Traditional Mass, but both forms are valid.
I don't mind it when people prefer the Novus Ordo, as long as they think that Liturgy should be done well, according to the rubrics and with due reverence to the king of Kings
I do not intend to get into specifically Catholic issues, but I'm sure they will come up.
So some random things. James has a bunch of his stuff at my house because we're hoping to get married by next summer. Right now he has piles of clothes in my living room, boxes of clothes in my pantry, and a host of just plain stuff in my living area (separate from my living room though attached). Sigh. Tomorrow he's coming over after work to help. Today, I feel rather accomplished cause I put what will soon be my craft table up. I moved his stuff out of my living area to make space for it. Then I realized that this will not be the permanent location of it as the vent sits right where a chair would go. Sigh. I'm not completely positive that the craft stuff will go out here, but, so help me, I WILL make a spot for it all!
My room is a disaster because two of my three dresser drawers are broken (the part that slides it in and keeps it parallel to the ground is broken or gone). I am lucky enough to have a hardware store a block away from my apartment. I got the parts, and it took me 20 minutes to get the screw into unusually thick backing wood, but I did it. Then I find.... I got the wrong size. I spent another 30 minutes trying to pry the plastic part open to get it to work, but to no avail. Sigh. Going back tomorrow to try and get a bigger size. I'll bring the broken piece this time (. I'd love to be able to not see piles of CLEAN clothes on my floor and be able to walk. I wasn't able to before, but I could blame that on James. Now, it's just my fault. I hate it when it's my fault.
Now it's time to do the dishes and think about getting other stuff done.
May God bless you!
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