I'm starting a new medicine for my endometriosis. It's too complicated to go to what I'm currently taking, but I found out that my medicine is being recalled. I looked it up, it's for a packaging error. I've taken it into consideration, and have decided that I'm going to take the remainder of my current medicine. You have to understand, my endo creates a HORRIBLE pain in my side. It doesn't ever stop hurting unless I'm on my medicine. I can't just stop until this new medicine is in me and working well enough. A laparoscopy has confirmed that I have a pretty severe case of endo, and the fact that I respond well to the meds indicates that the pain and the endo are probably correlated (this is the way the medical world works).
My doctor prescribed a medicine that in higher doses is used to treat drug addicts and in lower doses is used to help the immune system function more properly (research has recently indicated that endo is likely an auto immune disease). It's new and still being studied, however, enough research has been done for me to be comfortable trying it. My doctor is a pro-Life Catholic doctor and... basically I trust his judgement in this. Not to mention the side effects on my current medication can be pretty horrendous. This new drug is supposed to give me a little nausea for a few weeks, then I'll be good. I'm excited to try this out. You have to understand I've been a guinea pig most of my life. Living in DC, I participated in multiple drug trials with the NIH. I was even in one for one of the most popular drugs used to treat arthritis. (PS: I've had arthritis since I was 2).
Speaking of my arthritis, I have to tell you about this! I went to my new rhuematologist (arthritis doctor). I was taking Remicade, a very powerful, very expensive infusion medication and I was up for a re-certification by my insurance (every 3 years). My doctor took my blood tests and X rays and said we should be able to start it in 2 weeks. When I went back, instead of starting the medication, she asked me all sorts of questions about accessing medical records (Remember, I recently moved so new doctor). Through a series of odd and annoying circumstances, I don't have access to any rhuemie notes for the last ten years. She said that I basically can't get the Remicade again until my arthritis flares up again. I was a little confused and she explained, "your body shows no evidence of arthritis. Your bloodwork is negative for rheumatoid factor, your xrays are fine, your joints aren't even swollen... you basically don't have arthritis right now." Wow. Talk about some good news! So this means that the Remicade knocked me into some serious remission! This means I can now get medicines that are less potent and less expensive! What a blessing for such a difficult time in my life!
Please pray for my job hunt. It's been quite an experience and I just can't wait for it to be over. Thanks.
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